Providing 15.OOO+ Km2 of Belgium
Coastal and Offshore Communications

Entropia is committed to support the continued growth of this green energy source through the deployment of reliable and effective critical communications.

Critical voice and data
to track, monitor and
eliminate hazards

Entropia is proud to be a part of the global energy solution as specialists in mission critical communications.

When dealing with the deployment of wind turbine infrastructure, deck teams and crane operators need to communicate to surface vessel crew and vice versa. Each of these communication scenarios operates under its own frequencies. Entropia networks offer seamless operational bridging solutions to connect different technologies and different frequencies.

Offshore wind farms are exposed to extremely harsh environments: sea water, high winds, powerful waves and extreme temperatures. We are committed to provide the most resilient and reliable communications to make this hazardous marine landscape safer for personnel arriving by sea or by air.

As we own our own network, we have optimal control over the primary business processes to guarantee flawless connectivity and availability. Instant clear communications is key to our clients’ safety and by owning the network we can assure them complete security as only authorised users have access.

Our technology delivers the highest quality audio in the harshest of weather conditions, has safety features such as man down and lone worker, and can tolerate salt water.

We deploy Push-to-Talk radio systems to our client’s offshore platforms enabling users to talk directly with one other user or a group of users at the touch of a button. Should it be needed, there is an emergency call button to alert the control room and key individuals allowing them to make time critical decisions.

Entropia networks offer seamless operational bridging solutions to connect different technologies and different frequencies.

Overseeing real-time operations is a vital role for offshore wind control rooms. Personnel must be kept safe and the turbines’ performance monitored. Entropia established the ComBus control room system to offer even more flexibility to its customers. These applications can be integrated on a TETRA two-way radio or a smartphone using either mission critical private broadband or commercial business broadband LTE networks.

Service provision summary:

15.000+ Km2 of Belgium coastal and offshore communications
Control room insight and overwatch
Seamlessly bridging land, sea and air communication
High quality (background noise cancelling) audio
Highest levels of End-to-End encryption
Private one-to-one calls
Group calls
Temporary groups
Safety features
IoT connectivity for deployed turbine infrastructure
Mission critical levels of network availability
Critical communications for the safety of personnel working on wind-turbine projects
Fully connected control rooms using Entropia voice and data services
Entropia provide seamlessly bridging of land, sea and air communication
Safety first with Entropia mobility apps including man-down and personnel tracking

Save costs, and transform business models

Contact us today to schedule a personalised consultation with a member of our experienced customer service team. During this discussion, we will delve into your unique needs and goals, and demonstrate how Entropia's solutions can help you.

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