Privacy and Cookie Statements

We insist on delivering the highest standard of customer privacy.
If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch and let us know how we can help.

Privacy and Cookie Statements

We insist on delivering the highest standard of customer privacy.
If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch and let us know how we can help.

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement applies to the Entropia company and all affiliated companies, both for business locations in the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom, including the registered affiliated brand names ComBus and Combonet. Entropia group brand logos

Entropia attaches great importance to the protection of personal data. In this privacy statement we want to provide clear and transparent information about our personal data handling.

Our company is responsible for the processing of your personal data. If, after reading our privacy statement, or in a more general sense, you have any question about this or if you just want to contact us, please use the contact details below. Your question will be answered within 5 days at the latest: Entropia Investments, Kanaalstraat 1A, 8020 Oostkamp, 0032 (0)50 39 39 00,

Entropia only collects or processes the strictly necessary personal data for carrying out its activities and/or for checking the proper functioning of systems, installations and software. The personal data comes from own personnel and customer or supplier contacts. Processing is done with the intention to carry out business efficiently and/or to serve and inform our customers in the best way. In any case, the data is only used for the purposes for which the data has been obtained. The only exception will be for compelling, statutory and legally permitted reasons (for example on the orders of the police or any judicial authority).

Third party provisioning

Personal data that has been provided to our company may be processed by third parties if this should be necessary for any purpose described above. Entropia works together with third parties for:

• Incident handling and improvement of services
• Human resources
• Storage of data

Entropia will make or check agreements with these parties to ensure security of personal data. Entropia will retain control over who has access to this data. If a third party stores or processes data at a physical location outside the EU, this party must comply with all requirements in accordance with GDPR and the highest international safety standards.

Data retention period

The personal data are not kept for longer than necessary for the purpose for which they were provided or required by law. Customer or supplier contact information is retained as long as there are business contacts or if these will take place in the short term.

Data security

We take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unlawful processing, for example we have taken the following measures;

• All persons who are able to access your data on behalf of Entropia are kept to a very strict confidentiality policy.
• We use a username and password policy on all our systems;
• We pseudonymise where possible and ensure the encryption of personal data if there is reason to do so;
• We make back-ups of the personal data in order to be able to repair our files in case of physical or technical incidents;
• We regularly test and evaluate our safety measures
• Our employees are kept well-informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.

Your rights regarding your personal data

You have the right to inspect and rectify or delete the personal data we have received from you. You also have the right not to be subject to automated individual analysis, including profiling. Data subjects can always withdraw a previously granted permission for data processing. You can also object to the processing of your personal data (or a part thereof) by us or by one of our processors.

Please refer to our contact information at the top of this privacy statement if you should need to contact us. Further on, you also have the right to obtain the information you have provided us before or, if you want so, to have your data transferred directly to another party. We will ask you to identify yourself before we can comply with the aforementioned request. Entropia makes every effort to comply with your rights based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, it is possible that these rights are in conflict with other statutory provisions such as those of the tax authorities. In such cases, Entropia will make a careful assessment of which of these matters prevails and make a decision about the way in which your request will be handled. You will be informed of this in writing.

Cookie policy of Entropia

Entropia with registered office at Kanaalstraat 1A - 8020 Oostkamp is responsible for this cookie policy. For all questions and / or comments, please contact us at the previously mentioned address or by e-mail at

Entropia values that you can view, listen, read or experience the entropia content through various media platforms, at any time and any place. entropia also wants to work on interactive services and services tailored to your needs.

At entropia online services, techniques are used are used to accomplish this, for example with the help of cookies and scripts. For the sake of convenience, these techniques are referred to as cookies. In this cookie policy, entropia wishes to inform you which cookies are used and what they are used for. It is further explained to what extent you as a user can control usage. entropia would like to guarantee your privacy and the user-friendliness of its online services as much as possible. entropia has tried to keep this policy as simple as possible.

This cookie policy applies to all entropia online services, in particular all websites, (mobile) applications and internet services that entropia provides and that give access to entropia content.

Certain collected data allows you to identify yourself or to connect with you as a natural person and therefore qualify as personal data. In this case, the information (including your different rights) as set out in our privacy policy (above) also applies to the processing of these cookies.

Entropia can modify its cookie policy at any time. This can happen, for example, in the context of changes to its services, or the applicable legislation. The modified cookie policy will then be published on the relevant entropia online services, and will apply from the moment of publication.

How long do cookies exist?

Based on the duration of cookies, we make a distinction between temporary and permanent cookies.

• Temporary cookies are temporarily stored in your browser or (mobile) application. This means that those cookies are deleted as soon as you have closed your browser or (mobile) application.

• Permanent cookies remain on your computer or mobile device, even after you have closed your browser or (mobile) application. Permanent cookies remain on your device until a predetermined end date is automatically reached, until a new cookie is installed, until you change your preferences in our cookie policy, or until you delete them via the settings of your browser, (mobile) application or mobile device.


Should you have any complaint about the processing of your personal data, please contact us directly. You always have the right to file a complaint with the ‘Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit’ (BE) or the ‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens’ (NL); these are the supervisory authorities concerning privacy protection.

Change of Privacy statement

Entropia may change this privacy statement. If we do so, we’ll make an announcement of this change on our website. The last change was made on May 9, 2018. Older versions of our privacy statement will be stored in our archive. Feel free to contact us if you need to consult it.

Version 09-05-2018

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